Flow: The Big Book of Less

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Celebrate the joys of living with less. Less stuff. Less stress. Less overthinking. Less judgment. Less excess. Combining the hands-on activity and beautiful production value that made A Book That Takes Its Time a bestseller, with 204,000 copies in print, The Big Book of Less presents a message that will be equally embraced: how paring down allows us to live not just lighter, but better. And it's a book that approaches "less" in a fresh, new way, addressing mental and spiritual decluttering as well, with tips on "cleaning out" the extra stuff in our heads to create more room for what we actually enjoy. Read about how doing less--less work, less internet browsing--allows us to reclaim time for relaxation and meditation. How talking less leaves more time for listening. Sprinkled throughout are Flow's signature paper goodies that mix the fun of learning with the fun of putting ideas into action: a just-one-thought-a-day diary helps nurture a daily habit of worrying less; tear-out Expressionist art posters inspire less scheduling; a tiny, foldable paper house underscores the appeal of living minimally; and more. A perfect gift for anyone who would breathe easier from scaling back and relish the freedom of letting go.

EAN: 9781523506286
Farbverschnitt: Generell werden die Bücher ohne Farbverschnitt geliefert, auch wenn die Abbildungen einen Farbverschnitt zeigen.
Erscheinungsjahr: 02.04.2019
Produktform: Leinen, Gebunden
Titel der Reihe: Flow##~Workman Adult##
Autoren: Smit, Irene & Hulst, Astrid van der
Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 224
Abbildungen: full-color illustrations throughout
Themenüberschrift: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / Mindfulness & Meditation
Keyword: balance; compassion; declutter; design; disconnect; find balance; find peace; flow; gift; gift book; gifts for friends; happiness; headspace; illustration; inner peace; intuition; it's the little things; less information; less is more; less stuff; lifestyle; lists; living simply; mindfulness; minimalism; my perfectly imperfect life; organizing; overnight oats; own worst critic; power of small; quotes; recipes; relax; rules to live by; simple pleasures; slow down; small pleasures; switch off; tiny houses; tiny pleasures; to-do; trust your instincts; unplug; unwind; wholesome; wisdom; words of wisdom; words to live by; your life
Fachschema: Englische Bücher / Ratgeber, Lebenshilfe~Hilfe / Lebenshilfe~Lebenshilfe~Achtsamkeit~Meditation
Fachkategorie: Kunst: Grundlagen und Techniken~Durchsetzungsvermögen, Motivation und Selbstwertgefühl~Körper und Geist: Meditation und Visualisierung~andere grafische Kunst, Achtsamkeit
Verlag: Workman Publishing
Länge: 228 mm
Breite: 200 mm
Höhe: 32 mm
Gewicht: 927 gr
Genre: Importe

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