Tiffany Aching's Guide to Being A Witch

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"They say you don't find witchcraft, it finds you . . ."An illustrated and practical guide to being a witch in Discworld, covering everything you've ever wanted to know from telling the bees to magical cheese, from working with other witches to dealing with elves, from tending flocks to fending off forces from other worlds. This beautiful and practical guide has been compiled by Tiffany Aching herself, including snippets of remembered wisdom from Granny Aching alongside notes from Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Miss Tick, and Rob Anybody who offer their own unique perspectives on all things witchcraft. Whether you're a herbologist or a headologist, this book will inspire and empower new witches and seasoned practitioners alike. With colourful illustrations from Paul Kidby throughout, this brilliant in-world guide is the perfect addition to any Discworld collection.

EAN: 9780241651995
Farbverschnitt: Generell werden die Bücher ohne Farbverschnitt geliefert, auch wenn die Abbildungen einen Farbverschnitt zeigen.
Erscheinungsjahr: 09.11.2023
Beilage: Schuber
Autoren: Pratchett, Rhianna & Kent, Gabrielle
Illustrator: Kidby, Paul
Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 208
Themenüberschrift: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fantasy / Wizards & Witches
Keyword: fantasy; magic; young adult; witches; good books for teens
Fachschema: Englische Belletristik / Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur~Englische Bücher / Kinderliteratur, Jugendliteratur~Englisch / Kinderliteratur, Jugendliteratur~Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur / Englisch~Kinder- u. Jugendliteratur / Jugendliteratur / Ab 12 Jahre
Fachkategorie: Kinder/Jugendliche: begleitende Literatur~Kinder/Jugendliche: Sachbuch: Hexen & Geister
Interesse Alter: empfohlenes Alter: ab 12 Jahre
Altersempfehlung / Lesealter: 18
ab Alter: 12
Imprint-Titels: Puffin Books
Länge: 221 mm
Breite: 178 mm
Höhe: 30 mm

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