To Kill a Mockingbird (Graphic Novel)

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Harper Lee (Author) Harper Lee was born in 1926 in Monroeville, Alabama. She attended Huntington College and studied law at the University of Alabama. She is the author of the acclaimed novels To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman , and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom and numerous other literary awards and honours. She died on 19 February 2016. Fred Fordham (Author) Fred Fordham was born in 1985 and grew up in north London. Before beginning work in comics and graphic novels he worked as a traditional portrait painter and muralist. His first published work in the medium appeared in France and he has since written and illustrated stories for various publications, most recently illustrating Philip Pullman's debut graphic-novel, The Adventures of John Blake: Mystery of the Ghost Ship .

EAN: 9781785151552
Farbverschnitt: Generell werden die Bücher ohne Farbverschnitt geliefert, auch wenn die Abbildungen einen Farbverschnitt zeigen.
Erscheinungsjahr: 30.10.2018
Produktform: Leinen, Gebunden
Autoren: Lee, Harper & Fordham, Fred
Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 272
Keyword: graphic novels; comic books; picture books for adults; graphic novels for adults; graphic novels for teens; graphic novels for kids; neil gaiman; ghost adventures; ghost ship; breakfast at tiffany's; in cold blood truman capote; ghost world; black and white; go set a watchman; why i'm no longer talking to white people about race; sabrina by nick drnaso; civil rights movement; philip pullman books in order; reni eddo lodge; art spiegelman; american injustice; why i'm not talking to white people; not talking about race; african american; comics
Fachschema: Comic / Graphic Novel~Graphic Novel~Englische Bücher / Comic, Cartoon, Humor~Amerika (USA)~USA~Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika~Alabama~Comic
Fachkategorie: Europäische Graphic Novels~Graphic Novel / Comic: Memoiren, Tatsachenberichte, Sachliteratur~Comics und Graphic Novels im amerikanischen / britischen Stil, Graphic Novel / Comic: literarische Adaption
Region: Alabama
Zeitraum: 1929 bis ca. 1939 (Zeit der Weltwirtschaftskrise)
Imprint-Titels: William Heinemann
Verkauf Verboten:
Text Sprache: eng
Verlag: Random House UK Ltd
Länge: 245 mm
Breite: 173 mm
Höhe: 34 mm
Gewicht: 979 gr
Genre: Importe

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