The Dead Boy Detectives Omnibus (The Sandman Universe Classics)

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"Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland are no different than most boys: they love adventure, games, and spending time outdoors. They're curious about girls, curious about life, and particularly curious when it comes to mysteries. You see, Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland happen to be two of the best detectives in England. Note that we didn't say living in England. That's because Edwin and Charles aren't living in England. In fact, they're not living at all"--

EAN: 9781779524522
Farbverschnitt: Generell werden die Bücher ohne Farbverschnitt geliefert, auch wenn die Abbildungen einen Farbverschnitt zeigen.
Erscheinungsjahr: 10.10.2023
Produktform: Leinen, Gebunden
Autoren: Gaiman, Neil & Litt, Toby & Thompson, Jill
Illustrator: Wagner, Matt~Buckingham, Mark
Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 800
Themenüberschrift: COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / Media Tie-In
Keyword: Dead Boy Detectives;Mark Buckingham;Matt Wagner;Jill Thompson;Toby Litt;Sandman Universe;Neil Gaiman;supernatural;thrillers;halloween;thriller books;thriller;ghosts;demons;haunted;geek;graphic novels for kids 12-15;paranormal books;nerd;graphic novels for adults;horror books;horror;graphic novels;comics;comic books;graphic novel;paranormal;comic book;graphic novels for teens;nerd gifts;geek gifts;horror comics;comics and graphic novels;horror graphic novels;suspense thriller books
Fachschema: Englische Bücher / Comic, Cartoon, Humor~Horror / Romane, Erzählungen, Heftromane~Comic~Comic / Film- und TV-Adaption
Fachkategorie: Graphic Novel / Comic: Horror, Graphic Novel / Comic: Film- und TV-Adaption
Verlag: Random House LLC US
Länge: 282 mm
Breite: 188 mm
Höhe: 44 mm
Gewicht: 2016 gr
Genre: Importe

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