World Without End

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THE #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER *A Financial Times Most Anticipated Book of 2024* "Can a graphic novel save the planet? Perhaps." - Elizabeth Kolbert Is this the end of the world? Perhaps not. In this eye-opening, hopeful and hugely entertaining bestseller, a climate expert takes a leading graphic novelist on a journey to understand the profound changes that our planet is undergoing. The scientist, Jean-Marc Jancovici, walks us through just about everything: from the innermost workings of our minds to toothbrushes, office jobs, and oil; ancient history and modern geopolitics; economics and ecology; the unfolding climate crisis and its consequences for us all. As he describes the world we live in - a world whose future is deeply uncertain - the artist, Christophe Blain, listens and draws. Coming face to face with global warming, the unlikely duo - along with Mother Nature, Pop Eye and Jiminy Cricket, among others - create a picture of what the solution to our predicament actually looks like. Yes, we have a fossil-fuel problem, but simply switching to renewable energy won't fix it. We can and must rethink everything: our energy supply, our economies and our whole world. They leave us with an inspiring vision of the future in which food, education, housing, transport and communities - in other words, all of us - work together and, with a few technological fixes, succeed in creating a world without end. "Masterful and unforgettable... A testament to the power of the graphic novel" - Marjane Satrapi, author of Persepolis "READ. THIS. BOOK. " - Eliza Griswold, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Over 1 million copies sold since publication, The Guardian , October 2024

EAN: 9780241661949
Farbverschnitt: Generell werden die Bücher ohne Farbverschnitt geliefert, auch wenn die Abbildungen einen Farbverschnitt zeigen.
Erscheinungsjahr: 24.10.2024
Autoren: Blain, Christophe & Jancovici, Jean-Marc
Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 196
Themenüberschrift: COMICS & GRAPHIC NOVELS / Nonfiction / Science & Nature
Keyword: comedy; funny books; educational books; science books; global warming; climate change; cartoon; illustrated; comic books; translation; biofuels; the fossilarchy; biodiversity; the house warming; new climate war; ecology; bioenergetics sandberg; sustainability; climatenomics; energy and civilisation; powernomics; nature; environment; outdoors; biology
Fachschema: Energiewirtschaft~Englische Bücher / Politik- u. Sozialwissenschaft~Klimawandel - Treibhauseffekt~Treibhauseffekt~Ökologie~Umwelt / Politik, Wirtschaft, Planung~Wirtschaft / Umwelt~Manga
Fachkategorie: Ökologie, Biosphäre~Klimawandel~Alternative & erneuerbare Energiewirtschaft~Geopolitik~Graphic Novel / Comic/ Manga: Pädagogisch~Mangas und ostasiatische Comic-Stile / -Traditionen

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