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This book describes the positive effects that angels can have. There is a heavenly intelligence responsible for every area of life. The book explains how to ask these beings for help and which angel to turn to. A simple method makes it possible to contact these invisible helpers. What was once the preserve of priests and initiates can now be achieved by any reader who follows the instructions. The author, Emil Stejnar, is a successor of the famous magician Franz Bardon. Thanks to decades of experience as an astrological life coach, he knows the worries people are prone to and knows how these problems can, with the help of the angels, be solved. The names, seals and words of advice of 78 attendant spirits are listed: there are angels for health, love, marriage, family, wanting children, loneliness, divorce, sex, problems with drugs, alcohol and weight, injustice, school, exams, fear and self-confidence, career and success, money and happiness, shredded nerves, fateful events. Protection from accidents, muggings, loss. Defence against enemies, demons and magic. Contacting the other side, death and awakening. For over 40 years Stejnar's book of guardian angels has been one of the most sought after and popular works of angel literature. This valuable advice makes this unique self-help book a source of wisdom and comfort that offers hope and reassurance in even the most desperate situations. Just reading the book of guardian angels can often work miracles.

EAN: 9783900721053
Farbverschnitt: Generell werden die Bücher ohne Farbverschnitt geliefert, auch wenn die Abbildungen einen Farbverschnitt zeigen.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Produktform: Kartoniert
Autoren: Stejnar, Emil
Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 296
Abbildungen: Asturel
Keyword: Astrologic; Bardon; Freemason; Hermetic; Ritual
Fachschema: Alchemie - Alchimie~Esoterik~Magie~Satanismus~Astrologie~Channeling~Parapsychologie / Channeling~Engel~Geist (Dämon) / Engel~Dämon~Geist (Dämon)~Kabbala~Mystik~Schamanismus - Schamane~Heide - heidnisch - Heidentum~Hexe
Fachkategorie: Philosophie des Geistes~Populäre Philosophie: Der Sinn des Lebens / Sinnfindung im Leben~Hexerei und Zauberei~Satanismus und Dämonologie~Astrologie~Geistführer, Engel und Channeling~Geister und Poltergeister~Kabbala: Ratgeber, Sachbuch~Magie, Zauber und Alchemie~Schamanismus, Heidentum und Druidentum~Hexerei und Wicca, Körper und Geist
Thema: Verstehen, Orientieren
Text Sprache: eng
Originalsprache: ger
Verlag: Stejnar Verlag
Länge: 218 mm
Breite: 141 mm
Höhe: 21 mm
Gewicht: 379 gr
Genre: Sachbuch/Ratgeber
Autor: 9783900721008 9783900721015 9783900721022 9783900721039 9783900721046
Herkunftsland: POLEN (PL)

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